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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

Jeremy Cook's Blog

Securing Embedded Systems in Industrial Environments Jeremy Cook
As industrial machinery becomes more and more automated, engineers and IT personnel must take security into account. Engineers must also design hardware with security in mind, a task made easier with Maxim’s DeepCover Security Reference Design.

Almost Everyone Thinks LIDAR is the Technology Choice for Self-Driving Cars Jeremy Cook
LIDAR has come to dominate the self-driving car sensor discussion with a wide range of supporters but with one very notable detractor.

Track Your Kids Electronically on Your Next Summer Adventure Jeremy Cook
With ubiquitous cellular data connections and Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking, you can now use technology to help keep your kids safe on your next summer adventure—even if you’re not physically watching them every second.

Flippy the Burger-Flipping Robot Jeremy Cook
While better wages and benefits are the normal way to recruit and retain employees, one innovative solution implemented in a Pasadena, California restaurant was to simply bolt the employee to the floor. Seriously. While this would get any human manager or restaurant owner in trouble with several organizations, the new burger-flipping robot—called “Flippy”—has solved retention and productivity issues.

Cobots: A Major “Motion” Feature of Star Wars Jeremy Cook
In Star Wars, aliens, spaceships, and planets change as the epic tale unfolds, but one aspect is constant: The collaborative robots, known as “droids,” who follow the heroes to the end of their journey.

Facebook Redefines Time as “Flicks.” Is the World Ready? Jeremy Cook
Some might define “time” as the fourth dimension or, perhaps, as an arbitrary set of numbers that divides each of our days into 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, and 86,400 seconds. Periods of time smaller than the second are generally expressed as fractions of a second, but these small intervals create challenges when trying to sync virtual reality and gaming environments.

Falcon Heavy Leaves Earth’s Orbit, Returns Rockets Intact Jeremy Cook
What sets SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket launch apart from missions that came before it? While thrusting a Tesla into space has captured media attention, the Falcon Heavy rocket accomplished something else: controlling the booster trajectory so well that the side boosters fell back to earth in a controlled manner and landed vertically on predesignated landing pads.

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