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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

Mind Your R’s and C’s: A Look at Different Types of Resistors and Capacitors Mike Parks
There's a lot more to resistors and capacitors than just a symbol on a circuit. Learn about the various construction and performance characteristics of these overlooked parts to find which is right for your design.

Bird’s Eye View: How Traffic Management Will Lead to Safer Skies Anil Nanduri
Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) trials are designed to test multiple UAS in the same airspace in order to create safe commercial drone flights.

Are Your Selfies Really Cool? Lucas Benson
Demand for data storage is growing exponentially, fueled by everything from storing selfies to company sales figures. Data center priorities are switching to lower power and cooling to handle the increased processing density.

Sensors for Emerging Technologies Mouser Staff
A new generation of artificial intelligence applications (AI) and virtual reality (VR) is being enabled by the latest sensors.

Shaping Smarter Cities:
Vehicle-To-Everything Hits The Road: Understanding The V2X Infrastructure
Paul Pickering
The underpinnings of vehicle communication has been set for some time, but roadblocks remain to complete adoption.

Shaping Smarter Cities:
Smart City Technology Infrastruture
Paul Pickering
A smart city has multiple layers with different functions and response times. Integrating these layers into a seamless whole requires a wide variety of technology to implement that vision.

Shaping Smarter Cities:
Is Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) Data Collection a Near-Term Practical Fleet Management Tool?
Steve Schriber
Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication and data collection could cut fleet costs by creating more data for route optimization, increased safety, and fuel optimization.

Shaping Smarter Cities:
Driving Our Way into the Future
Paul Golata
Technologically advanced and connected vehicles could one day make our cites smarter and easier to travel.

Shaping Smarter Cities: Sigfox and LoRa: Missing from the Autonomous Vehicles Barry Manz
Autonomous vehicles could benefit from low power wireless area networks (LPWANs); however, only IEEE 802.11p and narrowband Long-Term Evolution (LTE) standards are being considered.

Shaping Smarter Cities:
What Happens When Cities Get an IQ?
Paul Golata
Designing a smarter city means connecting things together. Low power wireless protocols are intended to connect things together to create a city that can react to events and movement within itself.

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