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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

Part I: Use HTML-based Email, Become Famous Arden Henderson
Exploiting Doesn’t Have to be Complicated

The Embedded Mood Marcel Consée
This year’s embedded world show broke its own record again. The organizers report 30,017 visitors (38% from outside Germany) and 1017 exhibitors from 40 countries.

Smart Grids Overcome Renewable Energy Variability and Uncertainty Steven Keeping
Building smart grids takes time, but the good news is that this can be done without interrupting current Renewable Energy initiatives.

Batteries: Capacity, Cell Impedance, and Power Fading Lynnette Reese
There’s a general expectation these days that a car, even an electric vehicle should operate for 10 to 30 years. Rechargeable batteries are critical for electric vehicles; therefore, it is ideal if the battery can experience numerous and repetitive charge and discharge cycles over years. However, long-term storage capacity is a challenging issue.

Industrial Automation Marcel Consée
While the term „Internet of Things“ first turned up in 1985 (when the Internet as we know it today was not even a prospect yet), the need for an „industrial“ subset has been recognized only in the early 2000s. Today, Industrial IoT is being implemented far more rapid than a more generic IoT, and – believe it or not – the key drivers for that came out of Europe.

Never Forget Again: The Rise of Portable Data Storage Lynnette Reese
Depending on how you define it, portable data storage dates back to the dawn of time.

Intel’s Drone Dancers Wow Millions During Halftime Show Colin Carter
We all know that drones — also known as quadcopters or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) — have seen explosive popularity in the past five years or so. But I’m willing to bet that last night’s Super Bowl halftime performance by Lady Gaga boosted that popularity even further.

Exactly What the Doctor Ordered: Cars that Monitor Their Health and Yours Paul Golata
One of the trends in cars is AI, enabling autonomous driving, such that vehicles can stop in emergency situations before colliding and also to arrive at their destinations with less risk and peril for all. To enable this reality, each system must be equipped with control, monitoring and sensing. 

Embedded Espresso Marcel Consée
IoT—the “Internet of things” —is the buzzword for one of the main global industry trends encompassing more than networking. Security is one of the main technology challenges in both, communications between systems as well as between individual modules.

The Mystery and Magic of Motor Genealogy Bill Schweber
For most electronic engineers, nearly all software engineers, and even many mechanical engineers, the world of electric motors and their many variations is a blend of mystery, magic, and fear. There's no minimizing the fact that there are so many sub-types and sub-sub-types, and each one has its own idiosyncrasies, attributes, virtues, and weaknesses.

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