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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

New Tech Tuesdays: These Devices Can Give Remote Health Monitoring a Healthy Reading Tommy Cummings
In this week's New Tech Tuesday, we'll look at new products from Bourns, Microchip Technology, and Kyocera that are crucial in developing remote health monitoring solutions.

Can Covid-19 Really Be Fought with UV Light? John Hauschild
A hot topic for the lighting industry is the question of UV’s effectiveness against Covid-19. While initial research has been positive, it’s shown that using UV to kill Covid-19 pathogens is not as simple as turning on a light switch. We’ll explore why.

Pandemic Doesn’t Stop Mouser Bot From ‘BattleBots’ Competition Tommy Cummings
Lead engineer Jonathan Schultz and his Team Huge partners used the downtime during BattleBots’ COVID-19-related postponement to make Mouser Electronics’ entry an even more effective fighting force for this season’s competition.

Listen, Voice User Interfaces Play Big Roles Stephen Evanczuk
Voice control was simply a convenience in the past, but a growing desire and need for hands-off control motivate a central role for voice-user interfaces in smart products. Fortunately, key enabling technologies and products are ready to provide the necessary foundation for implementation.

COVID-19 Contact Tracing Slow to Take Hold Stephen Evanczuk
Limitations in Bluetooth®-based distance measurement and conflicting requirements for privacy and public health have slowed the emergence of automated COVID-19 contact tracing, but the availability of effective solutions is only a matter of time.

Remote Sensing Fosters Healthier Lives Marcel Consée
Companies developing applications for first responders, seniors, and fitness face the same challenges and requirements from a design and development perspective. One of the major product groups for collecting health or fitness data are smartwatches or fitness wristbands.

Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict Pandemics Clive Maxfield
Science-fiction stories have been postulating about the sort of scenario we’re living in since the genre began. What is really required is some form of early-warning system for potential pandemics, and AI and ML could be the answer to advanced warning capabilities.

How Wearables Will Facilitate Healthcare Stephen Evanczuk
The importance of timely healthcare data has gained special recognition during the COVID-19 pandemic, but better data will be needed well after the pandemic fades. Healthcare wearables offer an effective, long-term solution for delivering essential patient data required by healthcare workers.

Remote Work More Than an Experiment Now Adam Kimmel
When COVID-19 turned the world on its head, companies finally had the excuse they needed to try the remote working experiment. Remote work requires a few key components: security, data transmission, and reliability of technology. Here, we will discuss these remote working requirements.

How AI Is Accelerating the Drug Development Cycle Poornima Apte
Drug development can take years. AI can compress that time scale to months. Especially during these pressing times, we can look to technology for assistance in bringing life-saving drugs to life quickly. AI can study, understand, synthesizes, identifies side effects, and could be a vital resource.

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