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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

Navigating DC Distribution Systems Mouser Technical Content Staff
DC microgrids are transforming energy distribution by enhancing efficiency, power quality, and renewable energy integration. Discover how and learn about the challenges and solutions in implementing these systems for a sustainable and resilient energy future.

New Tech Tuesdays: Ambient Power: Energy-Harvesting Robots Rudy Ramos
In the quest for sustainability and efficiency, energy-harvesting robots stand out as innovative wonders. With their ability to extract power from the environment, these robots present a novel approach to autonomous operations, challenging age-old norms of charging and battery replacement.

Discrete Transformerless Voltage Multipliers and Cap Chargers for Voltage Multiplication Vishay
Stepping up AC voltages is not uncommon, but when size and cost are key, discrete voltage multipliers can fit the bill. Voltage multipliers can be used in low-voltage analog and high-voltage, high-power industrial designs.

Improving Extreme Temp Performance in EV Batteries Adam Kimmel
Extreme temperatures can reduce EV range by up to 35 percent and negatively impact battery durability. Energy harvesting is emerging as a tool to trim these efficiency losses to optimize battery performance and increase charging speed.

New Tech Tuesdays: Extending Battery Life with Energy Harvesting Technology Rudy Ramos
In this week's New Tech Tuesday, we delve into Low Illumination Solar Cells from TDK and the Light Energy Harvesting Evaluation Board from e-peas and how they support energy harvesting solutions from renewable sources.

Using 2D Materials in Photo-Harvesting Applications Liam Critchley
As society looks toward more ways of harvesting our natural environment, 2D materials offer a way to efficiently harvest solar rays into a usable output. 2D materials use light to create energy via advanced solar cells, producing hydrogen fuel and facilitating advanced cancer treatments.

Using 2D Materials to Create Water Energy-Harvesting Devices Liam Critchley
Designers can use 2D materials to develop different water-harvesting applications beyond the mainstream tidal and hydroelectric power harvesting process. These include harvesting energy from salinity gradients where water bodies meet and harvesting energy from rainfall and other water motions.

2D Materials in Piezoelectric Nanogenerators (PENGs) Liam Critchley
The piezoelectric effect is not only a common phenomenon in bulk inorganic materials; it is also observed in select 2D materials. This blog explores how designers can use 2D materials capable of generating a piezoelectric charge in a range of nanogenerators (PENGs) for powering small-scale devices.

2D Materials in Triboelectric Nanogenerators (TENGs) Liam Critchley
The inherent thinness, active surface, and mechanical properties of 2D materials have the potential to create more efficient and longer-lasting TENG devices for powering small-scale electronics.

New Tech Tuesdays: Three Solutions That Spur Energy Harvesting Development Tommy Cummings
In this week's New Tech Tuesday, we'll look at energy-harvesting devices from Texas Instruments, Kyocera, and Würth Elektronik.

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