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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

New Tech Tuesdays: Sensor-Rich Expansion Board Brings Science Closer to Daily Life Tommy Cummings
DFRobot's Environment Science Expansion Board V2.0 is the Swiss army knife of expansion boards. It's micro:bit-based, and allows users to measure environmental conditions for scientific experiments or projects.

Reinforcement Learning Is Advancing AI Applications Michael Matuschek
Reinforcement learning and its sub-genres of feature learning, artificial neural networks, and deep learning represent new potentials—and challenges—for AI applications aiming to achieve artificial intelligence on a human level.

Deep Learning Spearheaded by GPUs M. Tim Jones
As AI shifted to a focus on artificial neural networks, hardware accelerators soon followed to address power-hungry servers as well as power-efficient embedded devices. Even custom hardware has appeared illustrating the popularity and power of deep learning.

Languages Evolve to Support AI Development M. Tim Jones
Programming languages were born from AI and evolved to meet the growing demand of AI applications. And as AI algorithms advanced, so did the languages to support new statistical methods and the toolkits that expanded these language’s machine learning capabilities.

AI’s Origin Traced to Ancient Greece Jürgen Schmidhuber
Today’s AI and deep learning builds on over 2,000 years of work by many brilliant innovators from around the world. To understand where AI is headed, it helps to understand how it got where it is today. Let’s take a quick tour of the origins of AI.

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