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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

Protect IoT Applications Using Three Key Security Enablers Stephen Evanczuk
Zero trust security builds on fundamental principles of security, but in the IoT domain, developers can find it easier to conform to those principles by taking advantage of three key security enablers: hardware-based security, defined security policies, and security health monitoring.

Hardware-based Trust Is Critical for Securing IoT Sravani Bhattacharjee
Designers can learn the crucial role of silicon-based security, and useful methodologies to embed trust in IoT hardware by applying the security principles of trusted computing to Internet of Things devices and architectures.

How to Secure Internet of Things Systems Charles Byers
As IoT systems become mission-critical, their security capabilities must keep pace. The addition of actuators to IoT systems creates the alarming potential for security breaches or hacking to injure or kill people. Hardware and software techniques described here can help keep IoT systems secure.

IoT Security by Design Steven Keeping
The data carried across the IoT is valuable, and the unscrupulous will find and exploit any weakness to get hold of it. That makes protecting the trillion devices forecast to comprise the IoT by 2025 a tall order. Trusted Execution Environments offer a simple and cost-effective start.

Achieving Security Requires Much More Than Just Robust Technology Stephen Evanczuk
Although systems developers can draw on robust security technologies, effective security requires a combination of technologies, practices, and policies—and acceptance by each stakeholder of their own role in maintaining security.

Arm TechCon: Securing the IoT is the Call to Action Mouser Staff
Grant Imahara and electronics product experts from Mouser Electronics were at Arm TechCon 2017 to demonstrate how Arm-based products and technologies are shaping smarter cities. This year’s Arm TechCon featured embedded security as the overarching theme in keynotes, presentations, and exhibit floor time.

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