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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

New Tech Tuesdays: Progression of Authentication: Comparing Passwords, Passphrases, and Passkeys Rudy Ramos
Human errors and behaviors pose the biggest vulnerabilities in cybersecurity. With password security issues at the top of the list, understanding authentication best practices has never been so important. Continuous education and a security-conscious culture are essential in mitigating these risks.

Threat Modeling Your Device Operations Helps Identify Unwanted Exposure Jeff Fellinge
Discover potential vulnerabilities and predict how your devices, network, and operations would survive an attack by performing regular threat modeling.

Configuration Management: Creating Baseline Configurations for Your Devices Reduces Security Gaps Jeff Fellinge
Lower the operational costs and improve the security of your systems and devices through configuration baselines that define exactly how these devices and technologies that you rely on every day should be correctly set up.

Security Fundamentals Begin with Patching: The Importance of Vulnerability Management in Preventing Attacks Jeff Fellinge
Drive down risk to your devices, systems, and networks by ensuring you have in place a robust vulnerability management process that combines policy and practice to reliably keep your systems running up-to-date software and all recommended security updates.

Identify Anomalous Device Behavior Through Logging and Alerting Jeff Fellinge
Logging and alerting are fundamental tools for detecting not only errors and creating maintenance tickets but also helping defenders detect attackers by piecing together individual events into a bigger picture.

Surface Area Management of Embedded Devices through Host and Network Based Firewalls Jeff Fellinge
Lower the risk of a successful attack on your network-connected devices by understanding the network ports and protocols they use and disabling or filtering those they do not need.

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